Thursday, April 24, 2014

Making progress, Yay!

I am really proud of myself. I have consistently worked on the RGT’s project (a huge deal because I get bored easily) and have made some real progress.  There is still so much more to do. I am cutting cork board for the stones and planning the interior (idea overload). I made some changes to the kit’s size. Yeah, so the original kit just didn’t have enough room for the ideas I have, so I made it bigger.  And with it now bigger, this means more stones…more work.  I also have to make some modifications for windows.  Did I mention that I am making furniture too?  Well, I am…Overall I am happy, excited, and having fun creating.  All the variables needed to stay on task. Here are pictures of my progress:

I haven't made a firm decision on the layout yet. Hopefully soon because I need to get moving...and cutting with my new saw. I have a real love for power tools.

side note: I work on the floor, so please excuse the background

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